Saturday, November 26, 2011

3rd Quarter: Stoichiometry Worksheet 1


 Stoi - kee- AHM- uh- tree Worksheet

1.        1. How many grams of calcium carbonate are required to prepare 50.0 g of calcium oxide? CaCO3 ----->  CaO +  CO2

2.        2. When 0.50 g of magnesium reacts with silver nitrate, how many grams of silver are prepared? Mg +  AgNO3 ------> ______ + _______                                            

3.           3. If 75.0 g of copper react with mercuric nitrate, how many grams of mercury form? 
        Cu +  Hg(NO3)2 --->  Cu(NO3)2 +  Hg

4.          4. When 60.0 g of aluminum react with hydrochloric acid, how many grams of hydrochloric acid react?

5.            5. How many grams of magnesium chloride are produced by treating 4.00 g of titanium (III) chloride with magnesium?

Answers will be posted tomorrow (Nov 27, 2011)and more worksheets to come!

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